Weekly Update

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Please practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts. Students should be reading at least 20 minutes out loud every day.


Yesterday, your child received new spelling words. The words should be written in your child’s agenda.

Half Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow, February 26 is a half day.  We will dismiss at 11:25am.

Student Led Conferences

Our March student led conferences are next week.  Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will be half days (dismissal at 11:25) followed by conferences.  Please choose a time that you and your child can come.   Your child will be leading the conference so it is important that they attend with you.  Sign up at: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050b4aaaab22a4fa7-march

Spring Break

There is no school from Monday, March 9 through Wednesday, March 18. School resumes on Thursday, March 19.

Standardized Testing

Testing is coming soon. Please feel free to check this site out and have your student practice the reading and math test. We have already practiced the writing test in class. https://login11.cloud1.tds.airast.org/student/V389/Pages/LoginShell.aspx?c=Arizona_PT


Have a great week!